Set the tone for your unique business

From boutique cafes to bustling retail spaces and everything in between, our diverse music catalog caters to businesses of all types and sizes

Music for Restaurants & Bars

Enhance the dining experience by creating a desirable atmosphere and mood, reducing awkward silences, and masking unwanted sounds.

Music for Office & Medical

Reduce anxiety and stress while creating a more relaxed and positive environment.

Music for Retail

Create a positive shopping experience that increases dwell time and influences shopping behaviors.

Music for Hospitality & Entertainment

Establish a brand identity and create a memorable experience for guests.

Music for Health & Wellness

Create a positive, relaxed environment that helps guests improve focus and motivation.

Music for Real-estate

Evoke emotions and memories, helping potential buyers connect emotionally with your properties.

All plans include

  • Access to hundreds of commercial-free stations
  • Streaming from any device, no hardware required
  • Access to thousands of artist stations
  • Unlimited industry-leading customer support
  • License and legally background music for your business
  • AI-powered personalized music stations
Add songs

By adding a song, your station evolves to include a curated selection of similar tracks.

Add artists

By adding an artist, your station broadens to include an array of songs by similar artists.

Thumb Up

Click Thumbs Up on a song to bring in similar artists and songs to your station.

Thumb Down

Click Thumbs Down to ban a track from a specific station, ensuring you never have to hear it again.

Businesses Trust CloudMusic For Premium, Ad-Free Background Music Streaming

Music that sets you apart

It's not just about background noise; it's about crafting an experience that enhances the brand's identity, influences customer behavior, and sets the tone for their visit.

Alternative, Bluegrass, Blues, Canadian, Children, Christian, Classical, Country, Dance, Decades, Electronic, Folk, Hip Hop, Holiday, Indie, Instrumental, Jazz, Latin, Pop, R&B / Soul, Reggae, Rock, Songwriter, Spa, Workout, World.
Casual, Classy, Energetic, Happy, High BPM, Nostalgic, Party, Relaxed, Trendy.

Discover what sets CloudMusic apart from the rest.

CloudMusic sets itself apart with tailor-made playlists, adaptive algorithms, licensing compliance, brand identity customization, detailed analytics, and a vast licensed library, ensuring an unmatched music experience for businesses.

Get Started

Enhance your in-store experience

Select a plan and start your 14-day free trial — no credit card required. Our team is here to support you along the way.